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Design a skeleton loading state for reading settings interface
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Sign off steps

  • Please arrange a meeting with an engineer to talk through the design and understand any limitations/challenges.
  • Please create a task for the implementation of the skeleton. Note implementing the skeleton is not a blocker for rolling out to beta.

Event Timeline

Thanks for this @Volker_E I was going to ask if we have an existing component that I can use!

@Jdlrobson This is what the reading theme menu looks like with that skeleton style added.

Reading theme logged in no tools - skeleton.png (922×1 px, 337 KB)

There's an animation spec'd for it in that ticket which looks like this.

What other information do you need for implementation?

Where will this settings interface go? Would it be an standalone or something that pop-ups also with the tools menu?

Where will this settings interface go? Would it be an standalone or something that pop-ups also with the tools menu?

Thanks for the question! :)

I think the answer to your question is that the reading settings will be standalone. The details on the settings menu designs are in T347309. In that ticket there is an unlisted Youtube video where I walk through the proposed designs.

Thanks for the answer. I really don't get the obsession of the design team to move things to the right when we should have the left menu more relevant, instead of less relevant. But the solution proposed goes with that strange moves. At least, is terribly consistent.

@ovasileva Do we already have a ticket for implementing the skeleton? I will meet with the implementing dev when it's time for implementation. Moving to sign off.

I checked in with @JScherer-WMF and he confirmed that rendering the full form just with disabled radio buttons ( would be preferrable to a skeleton loader which hides the content. Instead of making a new task for implementing the skeleton loader, I made for the new disabled radio button design

bwang updated the task description. (Show Details)