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scap 3.5.0-1 changelog (maybe)

Authored by thcipriani on Jan 25 2017, 11:15 PM.
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F5358301: scap 3.5.0-1 changelog (maybe)
Jan 25 2017, 11:15 PM
"Yellow Medal" token, awarded by hashar.
scap (3.5.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
* MediaWiki: Old stub entry points for scap (e.g., sync-file, sync-dir,
mwversionsinuse, etc) are gone. Formerly old binstubs simply exited with a
non-zero exit code. Subcommands are now the only way to scap.
* MediaWiki: the canary logstash check for MediaWiki deploys now supports an
explicit service name (via the `canary_service` configuration variable).
This will allow us to monitor HHVM errors as well as MediaWiki errors on
the canary hosts before a deployment. (Fixes T154646, T142784)
* Scap3: Scap's rollback behavior has been greatly improved. Scap supports a
global `failure_limit` and a per-group `failure_limit` -- if a deployment
exceeds the number or percentage of failures specified by this limit a
deploy will fail and you will be prompted to rollback. Also, if you opt to
*not* continue a deployment on remaining deploy groups, you will receive
the option to rollback. (Fixes T149008)
* Scap3: This scap release has some rollback logic fixes. First, if there is
initial ssh failure for a host, scap will no longer attempt a rollback on
that host (since the same ssh failure will likely cause a rollback
failure). Next, all previously deployed groups of servers will now be
rolled-back -- not just the group of servers that had failures. (Fixes
T150267 T145460)
* MediaWiki: /srv/mediawiki is now a flattened git directory. This is the
first step towards moving MediaWiki deployments to Scap3. This is not a
change for deployers, but is a needed internal change.
* MediaWiki: `scap sync-file` and `scap sync-dir` are the same command
internally. `scap sync-dir` is deprecated.
* MediaWiki: scap now checks if proxies and canaries are listed among the
pooled servers (in mediawiki-installation) before attempting to deploy to
those hosts.
* MediaWiki/Scap3: A fancier progress bar is available. Simply set
`fancy_progress: True` in your config file to use it.
* MediaWiki: The `scap l10n-purge` subcommand is no more. Removed as it was
largely unused and was broken without notice for quite some time.
* Scap3: Old scap-created tags will now be removed from the deployment host
as part of the deployment. The number of tags to keep is controlled by the
`tags_to_keep` configuration variable. By default, scap keeps 20 tags.
* Scap3: in a shameless attempt to promote the use of messages for the
Server Admin Log for non-MediaWiki deployments the default Server Admin
Log message has been changed from "(no message)" to "(no justification
* Internally, scap now uses wildly experimental Docker tests for CI and
local testing. All tests are now being run by CI (which was not true in
the past).
* Scap is moving closer to supporting python3, small changes in this release
bigger changes are yet to come.
* Scap's scap say command is now more compatible with cowsay(6). It now
supports passing messages on stdin as well as the `--eyes` flag.
-- Tyler Cipriani <> Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:21:06 -0700