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Partially opening the table of contents drawer doesn't reset toolbar translucency on close
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  1. Go to an article.
  2. Observe that the toolbar is translucent.
    Screenshot_2015-05-25-17-02-04.png (1×800 px, 1 MB)
  3. Open the table of contents drawer a quarter of the way and let it go.
  4. Observe that the toolbar is opaque when it should be translucent.
    Screenshot_2015-05-25-17-02-16.png (1×800 px, 1 MB)
  5. Open the drawer fully so it's fixed in the open position.
  6. Observe that the toolbar is opaque as it should be.
  7. Close the drawer.
  8. Observe that the toolbar is translucent again as it should be.

Event Timeline

Niedzielski raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Niedzielski updated the task description. (Show Details)
Niedzielski subscribed.

Change 214439 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mholloway):
Fix toolbar translucency when TOC closed

Change 214439 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix toolbar translucency when TOC closed