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Midterm evaluation for "Extension to identify and delete spam pages"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Midterm evaluations for GSoC are coming up. All students and mentors must submit their evaluation on Melange after 26th June and before 3rd July 2015. Please note that only mentor needs to evaluate each student, not both.

If you have any concerns regarding your project/student which you do not wish to discuss on Phabricator, feel free to reach out to me or Quim directly.

Please complete the following in order to evaluate your student:

  • Mid-term goals as outlined in the project timeline are complete
  • MVP is completed and hosted on Labs/elsewhere
  • Weekly reports are up-to-date and complete (see T101095)
  • The student is in regular touch with mentors (daily contact)

Additional comments: It is real fun to mentor Vivek :-)

Evaluation: Pass (!!!)

Event Timeline

Niharika assigned this task to Yaron_Koren.
Niharika raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Niharika updated the task description. (Show Details)
Niharika added subscribers: Aklapper, Niharika, jan.
jan set Security to None.

Evaluation on Melange was uploaded some days ago, too.