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Banner history: always send a temporary log ID, and never send back two logs on the same pageview
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


In the code now, we send a temporary ID only on logs sent when the user clicks on "Donate". Also, there is a chance that the log could be sent back more than once on the same pageview (if the pageview is sampled and sends the log back, and then the user clicks on "Donate"). This wouldn't allow cleanly distinguishing page views that were definitely not associated with a donation. The changes mentioned in the title would fix it.

Event Timeline

AndyRussG claimed this task.
AndyRussG raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
AndyRussG updated the task description. (Show Details)
AndyRussG moved this task to Backlog on the Fundraising Sprint Tom Waits board.
AndyRussG added subscribers: AndyRussG, ellery.
AndyRussG set Security to None.
AndyRussG edited a custom field.

Change 240960 had a related patch set uploaded (by AndyRussG):
BannerHistoryLogger: always send log ID, never send twice

Change 240960 merged by Ejegg:
BannerHistoryLogger: always send log ID, never send twice

Change 241926 had a related patch set uploaded (by AndyRussG):
BannerHistoryLogger: always send log ID, never send twice

Change 241926 merged by jenkins-bot:
BannerHistoryLogger: always send log ID, never send twice