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Don't show "Mark all as read" for Alerts
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The Alerts dropdown shouldn't have "Mark all as read" -- it just flashes and disappears.

Event Timeline

DannyH raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
DannyH updated the task description. (Show Details)
DannyH subscribed.

Change 241779 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mooeypoo):
Mark all read button should always start invisible

Change 241779 merged by jenkins-bot:
Mark all read button should always start invisible

'Mark all as read' is fixed - checked in Safari, Chrome, FF, and IE.

Another issue: small cross icon(x) flashes momentarily when Alerts are clicked.

Change 242636 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mooeypoo):
Initialize 'mark as read' button hidden unless needed

Change 242636 merged by jenkins-bot:
Initialize 'mark as read' button hidden unless needed

Checked in betalabs for close buttons (x) in Alerts - the issue is fixed.

Catrope subscribed.