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Allocate labs subnet in dallas
Closed, ResolvedPublic


All six of the requested boxes should go in a labs network sandbox.

Event Timeline

Andrew assigned this task to mark.
Andrew raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Andrew updated the task description. (Show Details)
Andrew added subscribers: Papaul, jcrespo, Matanya and 8 others.

For the Labs hosts/support vlans we can just follow the eqiad model for now, and copy that to codfw, with similar IP allocations as well.

faidon subscribed.

17:28 < chasemp> I would like to outline it and take care of it

Change 251114 had a related patch set uploaded (by Rush):
Establish IPv6 for labs-support1-b-codfw

Change 251114 merged by Rush:
Establish IPv6 for labs-support1-b-codfw

Change 251644 had a related patch set uploaded (by Rush):
autoinstall setup for labs-hosts1-b-codfw

Change 251644 merged by Rush:
autoinstall setup for labs-hosts1-b-codfw

@chasemp, is this done?

yes, I believe we can call this done. The hosts in this new vlan are now all imaged and all seems well. If you had time to look over the configuration on the cr* routers and in the switch even briefly I would appreciate it. I don't think there is anything complicated or controversial here though.

Change 284491 had a related patch set uploaded (by Andrew Bogott):
Mark off a block of public IPs for labtest

Change 284491 merged by Dzahn:
Mark off a block of public IPs for labtest