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Update with July-October data
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Description has stopped updating in recent months, with the most recent data being the July numbers in the two pageview charts (which presumably are going to be replaced soon anyway with new def PV data per T114379 ?).

All the other charts are currently stuck in June 2015. The following should be updated, in particular:

In case there are metrics that we are intentionally not updating because we regard them as deprecated, that should be noted clearly on the report card.

Recall that is linked prominently from and so presumably gets quite a bit of public attention.

Event Timeline

Tbayer raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Tbayer updated the task description. (Show Details)
Tbayer added a project: Analytics.
Tbayer subscribed.
Tbayer renamed this task from Update with September data to Update with July-October data.Nov 6 2015, 11:50 PM
Tbayer assigned this task to Milimetric.
Tbayer added a subscriber: ezachte.

Updated the task description (said charts are still stuck in June) and assigned it to Dan, who IIRC has been taking care of this previously, based on data provided by Erik.

@Tbayer, I've not received new data. Sorry I didn't see this task earlier. The process to get stuff in front of Analytics' eyes is confusing at the moment, we mostly lost use of our beloved scrum master and we're having a hard time with big process changes. For now, we just ask that new tasks be tagged Analytics-Backlog. The Analytics tag isn't in use right now. I'll update this task.

Milimetric triaged this task as Medium priority.
Milimetric edited projects, added Analytics-Backlog; removed Analytics.

Well I am mostly responsibly for this. When the comScore unique visitors and page views counts dropped so suddenly that it raised serious doubt over the numbers, and our internal page views revealed massive corruption of our own data [1] I stalled updates (informing @Tbayer). Our internal page view numbers are mostly fixed now [1], and better than ever (no more bot traffic). I hope to finalize this cut-over in coming days. We will then present updates to report card, with better numbers since May 2015, and some older totally insane and hard to fix numbers blanked out (PV for smaller projects) .

We could have provided updates on some unaffected metrics, like editors and edits. That just fell between the cracks.

[1] HideBanners messages weren't filtered and outdid real traffic on smaller project 10 times or even much more, for many months.

BTW I propose we don't update comScore trends (and tell so on the RC). Their sudden drop seems inconsistent with our internal numbers. comScore was asked to comment and they agreed to investigate but that didn't bring us any further. We won't receive any updates from them anyway.

Tbayer claimed this task.
Tbayer added a subscriber: Milimetric.

I see the edit stats mentioned in the task have now been updated up to November, and a notice was added about the comScore uniques (see also the recent Analytics-l thread). Closing the task - thanks!

@Tbayer, I've not received new data. Sorry I didn't see this task earlier. The process to get stuff in front of Analytics' eyes is confusing at the moment, we mostly lost use of our beloved scrum master and we're having a hard time with big process changes. For now, we just ask that new tasks be tagged Analytics-Backlog. The Analytics tag isn't in use right now. I'll update this task.

Thanks for the explanation! (For the record, the Phabricator convention has since been changed again.)

Thanks for the explanation! (For the record, the Phabricator convention has since been changed again.)

But unlike XKCD, the other analytics tags have been turned off and indeed Analytics now holds all of our work.