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"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'insertRule' of undefined" from MwEmbedSupport/Spinner.js
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Viewing or and various pages on other wikis I often get this error in the console as of late:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'insertRule' of undefined

Whenever this happens, the JavaScript runtime is broken very early on. So things like search suggestions, table of contents, sortable tables, centralnotice banners etc all do not operate.

Event Timeline

Krinkle raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Krinkle updated the task description. (Show Details)
Krinkle added subscribers: Krinkle, TheDJ, brooke.

I get this (blocking) error on any page on enwiki with an .ogg file on it. Chrome does not like somthing about the embedded player (that replaces the native player).

It's interesting that this suddenly started occurring...

Really, we should dump that entire spinner in favor of our core spinner module, but I'm wary about investing too much effort into it.

Change 255804 had a related patch set uploaded (by TheDJ):
Use mediawiki.util to insert style tags

Krinkle triaged this task as Medium priority.

Change 255804 merged by jenkins-bot:
Use mediawiki.util to insert style tags

Change 256446 had a related patch set uploaded (by Krinkle):
Use mediawiki.util to insert style tags

Change 256446 merged by jenkins-bot:
Use mediawiki.util to insert style tags

I wonder if this issue was the result of async loading and is thus also present in 1.26....