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Decide on Google Code-in 2015 Grand Prize winners for Wikimedia until 2016-02-01
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  • Wednesday, January 27th 17:00 UTC - Deadline for mentors to review student’s work
  • Monday, February 1st 17:00 UTC - Deadline for organizations to choose their 2 Grand Prize Winners, their backup winner and the other 2 finalists.

Event Timeline

Aklapper raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper subscribed.
Aklapper renamed this task from Decide on Google Code-in 2015 Grand Prize winners for Wikimedia to Decide on Google Code-in 2015 Grand Prize winners for Wikimedia until 2016-02-01.Jan 20 2016, 2:44 PM
Aklapper raised the priority of this task from Lowest to Medium.
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper added a project: DevRel-January-2016.
Aklapper set Security to None.
Aklapper added subscribers: Nemo_bis, Petrb.

More info, quoting Google's Stephanie Taylor:

Org Admin’s Dashboard will display the Top 10 students. Define:
a) 2 Grand Prize winners,
b) 1 Backup Winner (in case another org chooses one of your Grand Prize winners or they are disqualified for some reason, etc.)
c) 2 more Finalists

Criteria to apply: 1) quality of work, 2) thoroughness of work, 3) creativity of their work. You Community involvement like helping other students on IRC etc. can be included.

Students who have been Grand Prize Winners in the past are not eligible to be winners again (and Google will filter out). They can be named as Finalists however.

Do not announce winners or finalists before February 08, 16:00 UTC.

Can we please ask the (most active?) mentors to privately email us with any additional information/summary/whatever they feel relevant about the 10 finalists?

Aklapper raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Jan 25 2016, 11:27 AM

Can we please ask the (most active?) mentors to privately email us with any additional information/summary/whatever they feel relevant about the 10 finalists?

Aklapper raised the priority of this task from High to Unbreak Now!.Feb 1 2016, 12:29 AM