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Gather feedback from GCI mentors after GCI 2015
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Description pointed out by Baha and abaso: What worked, student 'quality', time sink vs time saving, where to improve, how to improve.
Also ask mentors if there are particular remarkable students, to help the admins decide on the Top 5 in T118835.

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Aklapper claimed this task.
Aklapper raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper subscribed.

@NiharikaKohli, @01tonythomas:
Was there ever a "Gather feedback from GSoC/Outreachy mentors" survey so mentors can provide feedback what went well and what to improve?
Any link to questions / some on-wiki template? does not list anything specific.

Also wondering if students were asked in a similar way what went generally well or what to improve / their expectations towards mentors.

@NiharikaKohli, @01tonythomas:
Was there ever a "Gather feedback from GSoC/Outreachy mentors" survey so mentors can provide feedback what went well and what to improve?
Any link to questions / some on-wiki template? does not list anything specific.

Also wondering if students were asked in a similar way what went generally well or what to improve / their expectations towards mentors.

I never had anything like that after my GSoC 2014, if you are not considering the final mentor evaluation by Google every student has to make. Nothing was asked after GSoC 2015 mentoring too, as I can remember. Negative in this direction with Outreachy Round'11 too, as I am involved.

Would be a great idea to have something like that.

Yeah, we didn't have a survey although Google's own final evaluation form did contain similar questions.

In T123134#1931337, @NiharikaKohli wrote:

Yeah, we didn't have a survey although Google's own final evaluation form did contain similar questions.

Does anyone still have these questions somewhere?

In T123134#1931337, @NiharikaKohli wrote:

Yeah, we didn't have a survey although Google's own final evaluation form did contain similar questions.

Does anyone still have these questions somewhere?

I'm afraid not. I seem unable to access the Dashboard on unfortunately.

I got the questions :) These are the questions used in GSoC 2015, for mentor evaluating students.
Mid Term

  1. How many years have you been a mentor for Google Summer of Code (Total - this doesn't have to be consecutive)?
  2. If you answered "2-3 years" or "more than 3 years", what years did you participate?
  3. How many years have you been a student in Google Summer of Code?
  4. If you answered 2 years or 3 or more years, what years did you participate?
  5. At what point did you first make contact with your student?
  6. How often do you and your student interact?
  7. How do you communicate with your student? (Check all that apply) Google+ Hangout, IM/IRC, Private emails , Student blog updates , Other
  8. Of the communication methods listed above, which do you use most frequently?
  9. How much time do you spend on Google Summer of Code per week (take into consideration your interactions with your student as well as time working with your org and on your own)?
  10. How many time zones apart from your student are you?
  11. How often do you require status updates from your student?
  12. Please rate the quality of your interactions and communications with the student (consider his/her communication with you as well as your responses).
  13. Please rate the quality of the student's interactions with your organization and community.
  14. Is your student on track to complete his/her project?
  15. Please rate the quality of code/work the student has produced thus far.
  16. Give an example of a very good or very bad interaction you had with your student.
  17. Anything else you'd like to tell us or suggestions on how we could improve the program?

End Term Evaluation

  1. How would you rate this student's performance on his/her project since the midterm evaluations?
  2. Considering your student's original project proposal, how closely does the project produced reflect the project proposed?
  3. How much time have you spent on Google Summer of Code since the midterm evaluations (again, take into consideration both time mentoring the student and working on the program as a whole)?
  4. How does this amount of time spent on the program compare to before the midterms?
  5. How would you rate your student's performance overall?
  6. Has the student's code been integrated into your organization's codebase already or do you have plans to do so in the future? (Please note your answer will entirely informational and will not affect your organization in any way)
  7. How would you rate your experience with the program overall?
  8. Your previous experiences with GSoC: (check all that apply)
  9. Are you a current or former Google employee or intern?
  10. If you are failing your student, please answer this question. If you are passing the student you can skip this. Why did you fail the student? (check all that apply)
  11. What one thing would you tell mentors for your organization to do in the future to help the students%u2019 experience with the program?
  12. What was the most rewarding and/or difficult part of the program for you this year?
  13. Is there additional information we should tell future students before applying to future programs?
  14. Anything else you wouldd like to tell us?
Aklapper raised the priority of this task from Lowest to High.Jan 26 2016, 2:26 PM
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper edited projects, added DevRel-January-2016; removed DevRel-February-2016.
Aklapper set Security to None.
Aklapper moved this task from Backlog to Ready to Go on the DevRel-January-2016 board.

Email sent to all 35 active GCI 2015 mentors. Closing as resolved.