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Engage Import Issue
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I just imported a file of donations from Engage via the Engage import in which not all of the gifts imported. The first time I tried importing, I received a blank page. The second time, I only included donations associated with the batch number that showed as incomplete when searched for in Civi. I received this message: "413 Request Entity Too Large." I tried again with just the donations I believe to be missing (~10), and still received the previous message.

For reference, I've added the files to Fundraising - Tech - Major Gifts - Engage Import. Please let me know if you have any questions! Thanks.

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Event Timeline

LeanneS raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
LeanneS updated the task description. (Show Details)
LeanneS subscribed.

Unfortunately the issue occurred with other batch numbers as well, so there are many donations missing in Civi. The full file is in the folder with the title Wiki Individual1192015to111315.

LeanneS triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Nov 18 2015, 7:03 PM
LeanneS set Security to None.

The blank page might have been the same issue as T118981, after all.

"413", however, is a strange one. That's supposed to mean the file you're uploading is bigger than some limit, but how can that be the case? The file you have is 36K, right?

Seems like the PHP upload limit is 2MB, but could you find the Apache file upload size limit for the Civi site and let us know? The manual says the default is unlimited...

Please give the upload another try, it worked on staging and for reference should take about 40 seconds.

@awight thanks, it appeared to import all of the remaining donations. I agree, the 413 error was strange, especially with the import that included only ~10 rows.

awight moved this task from Review to Done on the Fundraising Sprint X-Ray Spex board.

Pretending to have fixed it...