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Grant tomasz access to Google Web Master Tools for top 10 languages across desktop and mobile plus portal
Closed, InvalidPublic


Looking to get access to Google Web Master Tools so that I can see our search ranking/traffic. Shouldn't need everything but top 10 sites on desktop + mdot should work.


Event Timeline

Tfinc raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Tfinc updated the task description. (Show Details)
Tfinc added a project: SRE.
Tfinc subscribed.

Related tasks: T101157: Get Oliver Keyes access to Google Webmaster Tools for all Wikimedia domains and T116822: Create data collection scripts for querying Google Webmaster Tools. @chasemp and I worked on those and we're working to create a dedicated account for Discovery to use on Google Webmaster Tools, which @Tfinc could then use himself.

fgiunchedi triaged this task as Medium priority.Dec 3 2015, 10:35 AM
fgiunchedi subscribed.

looks like the related tickets are blocked on OIT? also is there anything for SRE here?

looks like the related tickets are blocked on OIT? also is there anything for SRE here?

I think this task can probably be closed as declined in favour of the two tasks I linked above, which should grant Tomasz the access he needs. Those tasks are just blocked on OIT, and not SRE, as you mentioned. Thanks!

that makes sense, thanks @Deskana!