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[Epic] Explore disparate impacts of damage detection and goodfaith prediction on anons and newcomers.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We have been receiving reports of false positives in ORES' guesses. It looks like ORES is very skeptical of edits by anonymous editors as well as newcomers. We should explore this problem and see if we can address it.


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Halfak claimed this task.
Halfak raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Halfak updated the task description. (Show Details)
Halfak moved this task to Backlog on the Machine-Learning-Team (Active Tasks) board.
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Halfak added a subscriber: He7d3r.
ori renamed this task from Explore disperate impacts of damage detection and goodfaith prediction on anons and newcomers. to Explore disparate impacts of damage detection and goodfaith prediction on anons and newcomers. .Dec 2 2015, 10:40 PM

So, I've re-trained all of our edit quality models (except Wikidata) without user.age or user.is_anon. Here's the difference.

wikimodelcurrent AUCno-user AUCdiff

I think that we'll want to compare these models against a set of anon false-positives so that we can assess whether we've addressed the disparity. I think that we should consider running a public discussion about whether or not to switch to the *no-user* models. I'll be happy to layout the tradeoffs and advocate for the switch.

One sad note is that dropping these features means we couldn't claim to be matching the state of the art, however I think that this is good incentive to explore new strategies for improving our signal in other ways.

We talked about this at our most recent revscoring meeting. Here are my notes:

  • This kind of disparate impact is more critical when there's a bot automatically reverting. As we incorporate more human judgement, these issues likely lessen, but do not go away.
  • We could host two models -- one that includes user-features and one that does not. We'd need to change ORES's architecture to support this nicely.
  • @Halfak will summarize the tradeoffs in a post on :m:Research talk:Revscoring
Halfak renamed this task from Explore disparate impacts of damage detection and goodfaith prediction on anons and newcomers. to [Epic] Explore disparate impacts of damage detection and goodfaith prediction on anons and newcomers. .Dec 17 2015, 11:40 PM
Halfak moved this task from Backlog to In Progress on the Research board.

I want to bring revscoring up to 1.0.0 (or nearly) so that we can do a good job of making sure we're getting the most signal we can before going back to our users and advocating for a less-fit model.

I ran a test with the new term frequency features and was able to bring the AUC of enwiki damage detection back up to .88 AUC. More testing is needed and other wikis, of course.

It looks like I can drop user.is_anon and user.age from the wikidatawiki models and maintain 0.95 AUC

Marking this as resolved. Presented this at Research Showcase Aug 2016. See T143275