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[EPIC] Support geo-coordinate search for WDQS
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since Blazegraph 2.0 provides implementation for geospatial indexing, we want to have support for geospatial operations in WDQS.
Minimal requirement for supported operations:

  • Filter items on coordinate being within certain radius of given point
  • Filter items on coordinate being within certain bounding box
  • Have function for distance between coordinates

Event Timeline

Smalyshev claimed this task.
Smalyshev raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Smalyshev updated the task description. (Show Details)
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So queries won't have to be written like this any more ? :-)

Wikidata:SPARQL_query_service/queries#Working with co ordinates

  • and eg. counting may be possible within a bigger radius ?

In Blazegraph 2.0 the geospatial search looks like:

SERVICE geo:search {
     ?res geo:search "inRectangle" .
     ?res geo:predicate example:locatedIn .
     ?res geo:spatialRectangleUpperLeft "0.00001#0.00002" .
     ?res geo:spatialRectangleLowerRight "0.00003#0.00003" .


SERVICE geo:search {
     ?res geo:search "inCircle" .
     ?res geo:predicate example:locatedIn .
     ?res geo:spatialCircleCenter "0.00002#0.00002" .
     ?res geo:spatialCircleRadius "0.1" .

So I think we can have something similar. I imagine indexing will also be better since now the query examples probably do not use indexes at all.