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CI slaves need package php5-ldap for OpenStackManager/LdapAuthentication
Closed, ResolvedPublic


From T124613, we need to provision php5-ldap on all the Jenkins slaves. That is needed by OpenStackManager / LdapAuthentication.

As a workaround I have manually installed it on Precise slaves with:

salt '*slave-precise*' 'apt-get install php5-ldap'

Need to puppetize it.

Event Timeline

hashar raised the priority of this task from to High.
hashar updated the task description. (Show Details)
hashar added subscribers: gerritbot, Andrew, StudiesWorld and 7 others.

Change 267165 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar):
contint: php5-ldap on all slaves

Change 267165 merged by Andrew Bogott:
contint: php5-ldap on all slaves

Patch has been merged in operations/puppet