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display "sign" button in additional spaces on de.wikipedia
Closed, DeclinedPublic


an example is an inquiry on the german wikipedia to enable the VE finally - and there is no sign button:

Event Timeline

ThurnerRupert raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
ThurnerRupert updated the task description. (Show Details)
ThurnerRupert subscribed.
matmarex subscribed.

MediaWiki can be configured to display the signature button in the editor in additional namespaces (in addition to all talk pages) using $wgExtraSignatureNamespaces. All the common editors (built-in wikitext, WikiEditor and VisualEditor) respect it. I'm not sure what exactly you're requesting, though, can you clarify?

Insert > More > Signature is grayed out on that page.

Dereckson triaged this task as Medium priority.
Dereckson moved this task from Backlog to Working on on the Wikimedia-Site-requests board.
Dereckson added subscribers: Dereckson, Trizek-WMF.

@ThurnerRupert Could you discuss the issue on the local project, first to get a consensus to enable the signature button to the Benutzer/User namespace, and secondly to ask if other namespaces would be needed?

Dereckson changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Mar 25 2016, 4:04 AM
Dereckson removed Dereckson as the assignee of this task.

@Dereckson , now i know a wish to notifications: it should include phabricator mentioning my name :)

for the issue itself i am unable to decide now, i thought it works differently on a technical level. it needs a ticket here despite it would only be a configuration change?

Any configuration change should be discussed on the local project to get feedback from the community as a whole.

For example, on fr.wikipedia, they rejected such idea and either suggested projets to use discussion namespaces for their main talk page.

the discussion is clear, but does it need a ticket or we close it?

Danny_B renamed this task from display "sign" button in additional spaces to display "sign" button in additional spaces on de.wikipedia.Apr 29 2016, 8:50 AM
Danny_B moved this task from Unsorted to Single wikis on the Community-consensus-needed board.

Mass-declining of all old "Blocked on community consensus" site request tasks. If this is still wanted, please make sure community consensus was reached and if so, please re-open this task and link to the discussion.