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mw-disambig class randomly missing on links to disambiguation pages
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There are multiple reports on de.wikipedia, that the "mw-disambig" class sometimes is missing on links to disambiguation pages.


Purging the pages does not fix it, even with "forcelinkupdate". In preview, the class sometimes is present, sometimes it is not.

Latest code changes are rEDISbc99c458cf8e: Check for array index existence and rEDIS3fad1145b598: Setting redirect to disambig as disambig

Event Timeline

Schnark raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Schnark updated the task description. (Show Details)
Schnark subscribed.

This problem is also repeatedly encountered on Persian Wikipedia.

Example page (The first line of the article contains a link to a disambiguation page.)

The weird thing here is that if I delete office1 and president1 parameters from the Infobox Officeholder template then the class will be added as expected.

I tried to replicate the issue on beta wiki with the exactly the same wikitext-content, but all my tries where unsuccessful.

I managed to narrow down the problem to a simple case.

It seems that as soon as a page is linked to a redirect page. then the link to [[احمد شفیق (ابهام‌زدایی)]] won't show up as a disambiguation.

Please see my sandbox page:

There are only 3 links, the first one is a redirect, the second one is a disambiguation page, and the third one is another disambiguation that has the issue.

When I delete the link to the redirect page, both disambiguation links will have the mw-disamb class. But when I add any redirect link again, the third disambiguation won't be marked as such.

What is so special about the third disambiguation link? I couldn't figure that out. Both of the disambiguation pages are using the same template that adds __DISAMBIG__ to them.

@Schnark, @Dalba: I wasn't able to reproduce this bug. Is it still happening for you? It may have been fixed by