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Top read articles appears in feed in non reverse chronological order
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Top articles for
Feb 16th is above
Feb 17th, which is above
Feb 15th

See video: (720×396 px, 1 MB)

Feb 17th
Feb 16th
Feb 15th

Event Timeline

Mhurd renamed this task from Top articles appears in feed in non chronological order to Top articles appears in feed in non reverse chronological order.Feb 18 2016, 7:59 AM
JMinor renamed this task from Top articles appears in feed in non reverse chronological order to Most Read articles appears in feed in non reverse chronological order.Feb 19 2016, 11:12 PM

@Fjalapeno that's the task ID of this ticket, did you mean another one?

Also, I think I fixed this as part of my work on T127893 (PR #512)

Seems fixed. Just a note that it's "Top read" now instead of "Most read."

JMinor renamed this task from Most Read articles appears in feed in non reverse chronological order to Top read articles appears in feed in non reverse chronological order.Feb 26 2016, 6:35 PM
JMinor closed this task as Resolved.