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Message notifications hanging in Chrome
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In Chrome (Version 48.0.2564.116 (64-bit)) notifications have been 'hanging' when clicked for several days. I can see notifications & messages if I open up the page, but the normal pop-up window fails to display. The same feature works as it alway has in Firefox. I'm running all this in OS X 10.10.5.

Relevant screen shots:

Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 22.34.52.png (275×695 px, 27 KB)

Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 22.35.12.png (291×688 px, 29 KB)

Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 22.35.43.png (482×828 px, 68 KB)

Event Timeline

Are you using a non-standard skin? (I ask because the black and white in the first two screenshots looks unfamiliar.) Also, are there any errors in the JavaScript console? You can open it using Ctrl+Shift+J (Cmd+Opt+J on Mac). If you're not familiar with this console, the most helpful thing you can do is first open the console, then open the notification popup, then take a screenshot in which both the hanging popup and the console are visible.

There were errors being raised in JavaScript, mainly around depreciated items. Swapping skins and custom CSS did not seem to make any difference.

When I blank my common.js, notification works in vector and other skins with my custom CSS (which I find easier on my eyes). If anyone has a suggestion of what is tripping up the notification window, it might help avoid future problems for other users to pin down: See

A bit of trial and error, shows that the fault can be suppressed by commenting out twinkle in my common.js:


Is twinkle now incompatible with something that the message notifier does?

Esanders subscribed.

User scripts are not officially supported code so you'd have to speak to the author. That user script appears to be throwing errors and hasn't been updated in years.

I note the version on the English Wikipedia is better supported and set up as a gadget. Perhaps someone there can help get it working on Commons.