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2FA seems to be broken on wmf.19
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I had to roll it back to .18 to get it to work...

Basically, anything that requires elevated permissions and it was a PITA

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

@Reedy I cannot seem to reproduce this locally. Could you provide some reproduction steps? I've tried visiting Special:Userrights and other restricted pages while logged in and it did not bother me. All other functionality seemed to be working as expected.

@Reedy I cannot seem to reproduce this locally. Could you provide some reproduction steps? I've tried visiting Special:Userrights and other restricted pages while logged in and it did not bother me. All other functionality seemed to be working as expected.

Special:NovaInstance on wikitech triggered it

@Reedy Just so I know all the details, were you logged in already? And I presume your account has 2FA enabled on it?

@Reedy Just so I know all the details, were you logged in already? And I presume your account has 2FA enabled on it?

Originally, but I logged out and in again and still had the same issue. @bd808 and @valhallasw had the same issue

And the error message was:

"oathauth-abortlogin": "The two-factor authentication token provided was invalid.",

Literally the only place that error message is used is in the AbortChangePassword hook...

I think this might be due to, which removed the TwoFactorIsEnabled hook, which SpecialNova uses to check for two-factor when loading higher privileged special pages. But I'm not sure why it would give that error message.

Literally the only place that error message is used is in the AbortChangePassword hook...

I think this might be due to, which removed the TwoFactorIsEnabled hook, which SpecialNova uses to check for two-factor when loading higher privileged special pages. But I'm not sure why it would give that error message.

	function checkTwoFactor() {
		if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'userrights' ) ) {
			$isEnabled = false;
			Hooks::run( 'TwoFactorIsEnabled', array( &$isEnabled ) );
			if ( !$isEnabled ) {
				throw new ErrorPageError( 'openstackmanager-twofactorrequired', 'openstackmanager-twofactorrequired2' );

So a hook was removed that a production extension depends on. :/

csteipp triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Apr 1 2016, 8:08 PM
csteipp added a subscriber: dpatrick.

Change 281025 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dpatrick):
Reintroduce TwoFactorIsEnabled hook

I have a patch in now. I'd like to reproduce the issue on, then have the fix deployed there for testing, if possible. However, I'm having trouble reproducing the error. Is the problem be triggered by simply visiting when logged in?

I have a patch in now. I'd like to reproduce the issue on, then have the fix deployed there for testing, if possible. However, I'm having trouble reproducing the error. Is the problem be triggered by simply visiting when logged in?

It was, if you enable 2FA. I don't know if you require elevated permissions too, but that should be relatively easy to get if necessary

I have 2FA enabled (for use dpatrick2) and I get an error from that page. I might need those elevated permissions.

I have 2FA enabled (for use dpatrick2) and I get an error from that page. I might need those elevated permissions.

Yeah, I think you need to have the cloudadmin bit to trigger the bug.

@dpatrick, I just gave you 'shell' and 'cloudadmin' on labtestwikitech

Okay, I'm able to see the error now. Thanks! Is it possible, without too much trouble, to have deployed there for testing?

Change 281119 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy):
Reintroduce TwoFactorIsEnabled hook

Change 281119 merged by jenkins-bot:
Reintroduce TwoFactorIsEnabled hook

Okay, I'm able to see the error now. Thanks! Is it possible, without too much trouble, to have deployed there for testing?

Cherry picked, merged, deployed, pulled

I don't have cloudadmin on that wiki, so can't test atm either...

Logged in with my wikitech details, createAndPromote to give me 'crat, and SQL insert on the db to make myself a cloud admin. 2FA enabled, and tested.

Works for me now :)

Change 281025 merged by jenkins-bot:
Reintroduce TwoFactorIsEnabled hook

Reedy claimed this task.