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Fix up the UploadWizard-api for beta cluster
Closed, ResolvedPublic


UploadWizard-api smoke test is broken. Should be enhanced / unbroke and have it ping release engineering on IRC whenever it is broken.

While at it, move the JJB definition out of browsertests.yaml things, since that is going away soonish ™

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hashar triaged this task as Low priority.May 9 2016, 8:25 AM
hashar added a project: Essential-Work.

Where would I even find the UploadWizard-api smoke test? I was under the impression that we deleted all the broken browser tests.

It is not an a browser tests / Selenium based job. The code is some python scripts in mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard which is more of an integration tests targeting the production

Was/is meant to assert that UploadWizard works properly on production. Turned out to be broken because the Python module PIL got relocated to some other place.

Ideally, the script should be ported from PIL to pillow.

Oh, I see it now. But please don't restore running it for production. We agreed previously not to do this (T115465).

Change 289634 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar):
tests: fix PIL requirement definition

Change 289634 merged by jenkins-bot:
tests: fix PIL requirement definition

hashar claimed this task.

I have fixed the way PIL is installed. Job is all green now.