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wikitext pages: Mention notifications prepend section title to text excerpts
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  1. On a wikitext page, mention a user in one of the sections.
  1. The notification that the mentioned user receives will have the section title twice - once in the notification text, second time the section title is prepended to the text excerpts, so the structure of notifications look as the following:
[user name]‬ mentioned you on ‪[wikitext page title] in "[section title]‪‬".
[section title]‪‬ + the text excerpt

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 12.31.38 PM.png (197×584 px, 47 KB)

Event Timeline

Yes, I've noticed this too, it's super annoying. The root of this is probably somewhere in DiscussionParser.php, and we'll probably only be able to fix this for future notifications, not past ones.

Change 296397 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sbisson):
Mention notification: don't repeat the section title at the begining of the excerpt

Change 296397 merged by jenkins-bot:
Mention notification: don't repeat the section title at the begining of the excerpt


  1. According to V 2.0 Notifications -- Showing Updated Text and Links, mention (wikitext page mention) unlike flow-mention does not have text excerpt at all
Fama mentioned you on the Moai talk page in "How the Moai moved"(empty)
  1. Pre-appending the section title to the text excerpt makes it look as a part of the text excerpt. IN the screenshot below, the section title 'July06' in the mention notification looks like a part of the excerpt.

Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 4.23.06 PM.png (320×968 px, 102 KB)


  1. According to V 2.0 Notifications -- Showing Updated Text and Links, mention (wikitext page mention) unlike flow-mention does not have text excerpt at all
Fama mentioned you on the Moai talk page in "How the Moai moved"(empty)

Adding an excerpt to mention notification was done in T121817.

  1. Pre-appending the section title to the text excerpt makes it look as a part of the text excerpt. IN the screenshot below, the section title 'July06' in the mention notification looks like a part of the excerpt.

Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 4.23.06 PM.png (320×968 px, 102 KB)

The goal of this ticket is to remove the section title from the beginning of the excerpt because it is redundant. The excerpt is capture at the time of the event. This change will only affect future mentions. Old ones will not change.

Thx, @SBisson - Re-checked in betalbs. All works according to specs.

  • to display properly formatted notification, the section title on wikitext pages should be in the following format
== section title ==\n\n section content
  • Based on { T121817}, the spreadsheet should be corrected to reflect updated requirements.

Screen Shot 2016-07-11 at 1.47.36 PM.png (182×541 px, 32 KB)