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Color of search results extra data is too bright
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In rMW276c30ebee4b8aa5dfee5822d37d65756f28704d, the color of .mw-search-result-data was changed from "green" (#008000, a darkish green color) to "#0f0", a very bright green. This makes the text much more glaring than was presumably intended.

Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

Danny_B triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.May 25 2016, 12:52 PM

Change 290706 had a related patch set uploaded (by VolkerE):
Fix green in .mw-search-result-data

Change 290706 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix regression: text color in .mw-search-result-data

Change 290710 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jforrester):
Fix regression: text color in .mw-search-result-data

There is one more change necessary: /mw-config/config.css line 140
I thought that commenting the diff in diffusion and linking such diff with this task would be enough, but obviously not...
We need to find the way, how to avoid this kind of missing of comments AND avoid duplicate commenting... :-/

Change 290710 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix regression: text color in .mw-search-result-data

Change 290976 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jforrester):
Follow-up 276c30e: Use the correct hex for the green we want

There is one more change necessary: /mw-config/config.css line 140
I thought that commenting the diff in diffusion and linking such diff with this task would be enough, but obviously not...
We need to find the way, how to avoid this kind of missing of comments AND avoid duplicate commenting... :-/

The correct way is to respond in the relevant code review system. For MediaWiki, this is now not Phabricator (which is just a downstream copy) but gerrit.

@Jdforrester-WMF I've commented in Gerrit before your cherrypicking. It didn't help either... :-/

Change 290976 merged by jenkins-bot:
Follow-up 276c30e: Use the correct hex for the green we want

matmarex assigned this task to Jdforrester-WMF.

All fixed. The second patch doesn't need backporting, as it only affected the installer, which we obviously don't use in production.