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CORS policies should allow scripts from to edit
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I would like to save queries from the query editor (JS) at to the query example page which is currently located on, but could be easily moved to

When T108101: Isolate cookies and CORS policies was done CORS has been disabled for nearly all sub domains. So this is not possible anymore.

What would be a good solution?

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Jonas triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 20 2016, 2:04 PM

Is it the policy on or on

I don't really understand the use case here, you want to make edits to a page from

The reason is we want to make it possible to save some query from to the query example page

Why can't it be edited manually or with copy paste...?

The security loss of opening up XSS attacks seems way larger than the minor benefit you'll get unless I'm misunderstanding something?

Are you serious?
I think it is obvious that editing wikitext is and will not be the future.
We want to enable everybody to provide good examples for our service and it should also be easy to maintain the examples.

If you think the security risk is too big would OAuth be a good alternative?

Now that you mention it, I also think OAuth is probably better as it allows to attribute examples - which is good both to praise people on good ones and to contact them if the example needs some fixing.

I realize it'd probably be a bit more work, but if it's possible I think it'd be much better than anonymous editing.

@Anomie made an OAuth example in the past which may prove enlightening if you're looking to use OAuth for this:

Are you serious?


I think it is obvious that editing wikitext is and will not be the future.

So then don't? You can just easily have your JavaScript auto-editor run from as a gadget, but you have to copy/paste the sparql query.

We want to enable everybody to provide good examples for our service and it should also be easy to maintain the examples.


If you think the security risk is too big would OAuth be a good alternative?

The security risk is that a security vulnerability in WDQS could be used to attack and takeover MediaWiki accounts. OAuth is a good alternative.

Smalyshev renamed this task from CORS policies to CORS policies should allow scripts from to edit 30 2017, 1:16 AM