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Problem with creating new pages from search (as users might not understand that "containing..." is a link?)
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When I am searching for certain title and page with almost similar name exists, searching redirets me to existing page. When I want to create it, I must edit URL

Steps to reproduce:
go to
type "Kris" into search field
You will be redirected to [[Kriš]]
But also page [[Kris (dýka)]] exists, which should be found and wchich should be on the place of [[Kris]]

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or on cs.wiktionary: If I am searching "Ph", i got always [[PH]], but there also [[pH]] exists.
There should be some note like "autoredirected from [[Ph]]"

You mean: when you search from the box top right on cs.wiktionary:
you enter "Ph", then you press enter and you are redirected to "PH"

This is the "go" feature, if you search for something that is very close then you are redirected to one of the closest page.
What the search engine considers close is not very clear, it can be case (upper/lower) but also some variations in diacritics (Kris -> Kriš).
I totally agree with you, this is confusing.
I'd prefer to see the list of pages and not being redirected to one of the close match if the search query is ambiguous.

@dcausse I think it is good if I mistype and I am redirected, but the page should warn me that I have been redirected.

I'm not sure we can easily change the page content depending on the search query but a possible workaround could be:
type Krys in the search box top right then choose "containing..." in the drop down menu. You will be redirected to search results page and you will be able to click the red link to create the new page.
This workflow can be fast if you:
Type Krys, press up arrow, press enter.

@dcausse I know, but many users don't. And on cswiki we found out even some experienced users, who edit wiki for years, haven't known this.

@Dvorapa, I didn't know about the "containing" trick either. Is it reasonable to get people to use the Special:Search page to start their query? You can get to it with an empty search (just hit return) or a gibberish search (like, fgdshjfgdsfgjds)—that's not pretty, but it is straightforward.

For most users, who are looking for content, not to create new pages, a near match (redirecting to Kriš after searching on Kris) is a good result—especially given how often people don't bother to type diacritics.

In the ph/PH/pH case, it would make sense to show search results rather than go to a specific page that's not an exact match when there are multiple equally good options. In this case they all differ by case, so none are obviously better.

In the Kriš/Kris case, though, that wouldn't help because Kriš is the best option available (for a reader) because Kris doesn't exist.

(P.S. Thanks for being more than a reader! And also for filing the ticket.)

Aklapper renamed this task from Problem with creating new pages from search to Problem with creating new pages from search (as usersmight not understand that "containing..." is a link?).Jun 24 2016, 2:19 PM
debt triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 28 2016, 10:24 PM
debt subscribed.

Adding in this very similar task to be viewed/possibly fixed together: T141244

Deskana lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Lowest.Oct 20 2016, 10:15 PM
Deskana removed a project: Discovery-Search.
Aklapper renamed this task from Problem with creating new pages from search (as usersmight not understand that "containing..." is a link?) to Problem with creating new pages from search (as users might not understand that "containing..." is a link?).Oct 20 2016, 11:28 PM