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Unable delete page through [[Special:PageTranslationDeletePage]]
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Kaganer updated the task description. (Show Details)

I also cannot do the deletion. A log entry which says failed (and also another that says translatable page deletion completed - that probably shouldn't happen when the only page that needs to be deleted fails) was inserted for both pages.

I can't reproduce this locally and hard to know what's failing because we don't have any access to the reason why doDeleteArticle() failed. So it could be either some ArticleDelete subscriber preventing the deletion or there is some lock there constantly that we cannot acquire?

I was able to delete through the delete API (no errors) so it's probably something else, I'm not sure. I left the category page without deleting for further debugging. I also noticed that the 'error' param is for some reason ignored. See|title|type|user|timestamp|comment|details&leuser=Glaisher&letitle=Board+letter+on+paid+contributions+without+disclosure%2Ftet+ last entry. It is probably not what we want there anyway because it returns a bool. It should probably be changed to return the reason.

Once rETRA1688e42cbc86628fb reaches Meta (next week's deployment if no issue arises), we can try to delete the category page and see exactly what error it's logging.

Once rETRA1688e42cbc86628fb reaches Meta (next week's deployment if no issue arises), we can try to delete the category page and see exactly what error it's logging.

Has someone tried and could provide the error here? :)

(Sorry about the delay in replying. I was on vacation.)
We now have the error message logged (see|title|type|user|timestamp|comment|details&leuser=Syum90&letitle=Category:Wikimedia%20Foundation%20Board%20of%20Trustees/tet+) and it shows that the message is abusefilter-warning-spam-willblock which is shown when abuse filter #51 is triggered. The abuse log for that page shows that the user which triggered the filter is The actual user that performed the action is Syum90 but localhost is used because $wgUser is not properly set at that point in the job context. AbuseFilterHooks::onArticleDelete() should probably use the user passed by the hook instead of $wgUser.

Change 300699 had a related patch set uploaded (by Glaisher):
Generate user vars from User passed by hook instead of $wgUser in onArticleDelete

Change 300699 merged by jenkins-bot:
Generate user vars from User passed by hook instead of $wgUser in onArticleDelete

It will reach Meta by next week's deploy. As this is not urgent, I don't think it needs to be SWATted. If needed we can use the delete API to delete without triggering the filter.