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Expand EasyQuery to work with more properties/ data types
Closed, ResolvedPublic


EasyQuery (cf. T123149) works fine with some properties but not with others, which may be due to their data type. I would find it useful if it would work with more properties.

For instance, in , I would like to be able to find more items where the author string "Gudrun Nürnberg" is used, optionally with the constraint of her being listed with a series ordinal (P1545) of 5.

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I just made an edit to the gadget and improved the data type support and added qualifier support. Clear the cache, check and tell me what do you think.

It seems to have some problems with Commons categories, see Also, the button also seems to appear on dates but doesn't work properly.

I haven't added support for commons category type. Do you think it'll be useful? How useful? Because it seems WDQS support is not great in these cases.

I need to make the support for date time. I will do it tomorrow.

I'm not saying that it should have support for commons categories, but the display error should be fixed.

I don't get any errors or warnings:

pasted_file (768×1 px, 195 KB)

Can you give me steps to reproduce?

I don't get any errors or warnings:

pasted_file (768×1 px, 195 KB)

Can you give me steps to reproduce?

The script appends "Commons category" "Chris De Stoop" to the actual commons category.

I see, it's fixed now Fixing edit (clear the cache)

And now, it supports time datatype. With that I guess we are good for now :)

Ladsgroup moved this task from Blocked on others to Done on the User-Ladsgroup board.

I see, it's fixed now Fixing edit (clear the cache)

Sorry, but after clearing my cache I still have the same issue.

I just checked again and think string data types like P2093 in my example are still not supported.

Are you sure? Works for me:

pasted_file (768×1 px, 274 KB)

Can you check in more depth and if the problem persists, please give more details of your browsers/console log/etc.

Still does not work for me under Firefox 48.0.1 on OSX .

Screenshot 2016-09-12 07.00.16.png (800×1 px, 278 KB)