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Setup empty mapping table page on Wikidata for Albania and F.Y.R. Macedonia
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Assist a volunteer in getting started with mapping work

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albania_macedonia_monuments_db.png (410×1 px, 67 KB)

@Jopparn: It seems neither Albania, ISO 3166-1 code 'AL' nor Macedonia F.Y.Y ISO 3166-1 code 'MK' are in the monuments database. Can you give some more info on where one or more of the lists to be migrated are located on i.e. on

@Lokal_Profil Can you confirm? There is currently 116 tables in the monuments_db dump I downloaded yesterday.

There are no tables in monuments_db to create mapping tables from. Has Erfgoedbot harvested lists from Macedonian wikipedia? Are there Albanian lists somewhere, even though there seems to be no Albanian wikipedia?

@Lokal_Profil Can you confirm? There is currently 116 tables in the monuments_db dump I downloaded yesterday.

There are two issues. One is that the database dumping process is currently broken (and has been for a while), T138517.

The second is that no lists on have been mapped to the database. If there are lists there then that would have to be the first step. Reassigning to @Jopparn who is handling the contacts.

Albania is done, F.Y.R. Macedonia have been contacted, but no answer. Will close the task in a couple of months if no answer.

Too late if this wasn't done