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@Jopparn: It seems neither Albania, ISO 3166-1 code 'AL' nor Macedonia F.Y.Y ISO 3166-1 code 'MK' are in the monuments database. Can you give some more info on where one or more of the lists to be migrated are located on i.e. on
@Lokal_Profil Can you confirm? There is currently 116 tables in the monuments_db dump I downloaded yesterday.
There are no tables in monuments_db to create mapping tables from. Has Erfgoedbot harvested lists from Macedonian wikipedia? Are there Albanian lists somewhere, even though there seems to be no Albanian wikipedia?
There are two issues. One is that the database dumping process is currently broken (and has been for a while), T138517.
The second is that no lists on have been mapped to the database. If there are lists there then that would have to be the first step. Reassigning to @Jopparn who is handling the contacts.
Albania is done, F.Y.R. Macedonia have been contacted, but no answer. Will close the task in a couple of months if no answer.