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Add Albanian Wikipedia lists to database
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We got a request to add the structured list on Albanian Wikipedia ( Albania and Kosovo ) to the database

We need to confirm those are the lists and get the other details listed at


Albania in Albanian

project : wikipedia
lang : sq
headerTemplate : Kreu Monumentet në Shqipëri
rowTemplate : Rreshti Monumentet në Shqipëri
commonsTemplate : Cultural Heritage Albania
commonsTrackerCategory : Cultural heritage monuments in Albania with known IDs
commonsCategoryBase : Cultural heritage monuments in Albania
autoGeocode : False
unusedImagesPage : Wikipedia:WikiProjekti Vende Historike/Shqipëri/Foto të papërdorura
imagesWithoutIdPage : Wikipedia:WikiProjekti Vende Historike/Shqipëri/Foto pa nr. unik
namespaces : [0]
table : monuments_al_(sq)
truncate : False
primkey : idno <i.e. Nr>
fields (source : dest):

  • Emërtimi : name
  • Nr : idno
  • Lokacioni : place
  • Bashkia : municipality
  • lat : lat
  • lon : lon
  • Imazh : image

Kosovo in Albanian

project : wikipedia
lang : sq
headerTemplate : Kreu Monumentet në Kosovë
rowTemplate : Rreshti Monumentet në Kosovë
commonsTemplate : Cultural Heritage Kosovo
commonsTrackerCategory : Cultural heritage monuments in Kosovo with known IDs
commonsCategoryBase : Cultural heritage monuments in Kosovo
autoGeocode : False
unusedImagesPage : Wikipedia:WikiProjekti Vende Historike/Kosovë/Foto të papërdorura
imagesWithoutIdPage : Wikipedia:WikiProjekti Vende Historike/Kosovë/Foto pa nr. unik
namespaces : [0]
table : monuments_xk_(sq)
truncate : False
primkey : idno <i.e. Nr_Unik>
fields (source : dest):

  • Emërtimi : name
  • Periudhat_Datimi : date_period
  • Vendi: place
  • Komuna: municipality
  • Statusi_Nr_Vendimit : status
  • Kategoria : category
  • Nenkategoria : subcategory
  • lat : lat
  • lon : lon
  • Nr_Unik : idno
  • Imazh : image

Event Timeline

Lokal_Profil renamed this task from Add Albanian.Wikipedia lists to database to Add Albanian Wikipedia lists to database.Jul 15 2016, 6:07 PM

Confirming that those are the lists and adding basic config layout.

@Liridon: Could you fill in the blanks? The definitions can be found at Commons:Monuments_database/Harvesting#Configure a new source.

@Lokal_Profil Thanks a lot.

I updated some blank fields, not all yet. Also, with @Arianit & @Margott, we will improve and update information on monuments lists in Albanian Wikipedia, before you launch the bot to harvest data.

I updated some blank fields, not all yet.


Also, with @Arianit & @Margott, we will improve and update information on monuments lists in Albanian Wikipedia, before you launch the bot to harvest data.

Don’t worry too much about it − the bot re-harvests all the data from scratch every day − all your improvements will make it in no time :)

@Lokal_Profil Thanks a lot.

I updated some blank fields, not all yet. Also, with @Arianit & @Margott, we will improve and update information on monuments lists in Albanian Wikipedia, before you launch the bot to harvest data.

Looks good.

I added the template parameters and mapped the obvious ones. Please check that I didn't do that wrong. I also highlighted the missing ones to make them easier to spot.

I also added commonsCategoryBase based on the campaign pages

@Lokal_Profil, just completed highlighted fields. For some fields in Template of Kosovo I added the description, but don't know if the database has appropriate fields for those, either way, those fields are less important.

@Lokal_Profil, just completed highlighted fields. For some fields in Template of Kosovo I added the description, but don't know if the database has appropriate fields for those, either way, those fields are less important.

I spotted one more field (for each) which I had missed. registrantUrlBase is a url which (together with the unique id) could be used to get information about the monument from the government. If there isn't any then that is ok, we just need to know.


  1. For the Kosovo list is there a way of determining when Vendi_Komuna is a municipality and when it isn't?
  2. I've made the assumption that any wiki links in Emërtimi will go to an article about that monument. Let me know if this assumption is wrong.

@JeanFred: Are we happy even if we have no adm structure below adm0?

Change 300233 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lokal Profil):
[Don't merge] Add Albania and Kosovo to the database

  1. For the Kosovo list is there a way of determining when Vendi_Komuna is a municipality and when it isn't?

'Vendi' is Location (often a village) and 'Komuna' is Municipality (also name of the city), some monuments have the value for Location some don't, but all of them have Municipality. If necessary, I will split field 'Vendi_Komuna' in two fields, "Vendi" and "Komuna".

  1. I've made the assumption that any wiki links in Emërtimi will go to an article about that monument. Let me know if this assumption is wrong.

Yes, if there is an article about that monument, it will have the name of 'Emërtimi' or a redirection to another name about that momument.

I spotted one more field (for each) which I had missed. registrantUrlBase is a url which (together with the unique id) could be used to get information about the monument from the government. If there isn't any then that is ok, we just need to know.


  1. For the Kosovo list is there a way of determining when Vendi_Komuna is a municipality and when it isn't?

'Vendi' is Location (often a village) and 'Komuna' is Municipality (also name of the city), some monuments have the value for Location some don't, but all of them have Municipality. If necessary, I will split field 'Vendi_Komuna' in two fields, "Vendi" and "Komuna".

I think that could be useful.

  1. For the Kosovo list is there a way of determining when Vendi_Komuna is a municipality and when it isn't?

'Vendi' is Location (often a village) and 'Komuna' is Municipality (also name of the city), some monuments have the value for Location some don't, but all of them have Municipality. If necessary, I will split field 'Vendi_Komuna' in two fields, "Vendi" and "Komuna".

I think that could be useful.

It's done.

  1. For the Kosovo list is there a way of determining when Vendi_Komuna is a municipality and when it isn't?

'Vendi' is Location (often a village) and 'Komuna' is Municipality (also name of the city), some monuments have the value for Location some don't, but all of them have Municipality. If necessary, I will split field 'Vendi_Komuna' in two fields, "Vendi" and "Komuna".

I think that could be useful.

It's done.


I've prepared a patch which should start harvesting these to the monuments database.

Change 300233 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add Albania and Kosovo to the database

Mentioned in SAL [2016-07-26T13:42:48Z] <JeanFred> Deployed latest from Git: 0c848e6 (T140488)


I've prepared a patch which should start harvesting these to the monuments database.

Thank you @Lokal_Profil :)

Harvesting is now done!

  • Kosovo: 1411 monuments − list
  • Albania: 1376 monuments − list