The table "Die zehn höchsten Scheitelwasserstände am Pegel Hohensaaten" in section is not rendered.
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I find it ridiculuous - if it is really true - that Extension Collection is not supporting the rendering of simple tables.
Is this true ?
I have my printed Dresden and MediaWiki Developer's Guide which were printed some years ago, and these are NOT failing to have tables. For example _was_ rendered (but is not rendered when you try it now). For me, a clear case of degradation, perhaps related to the (now) two-column rendering ? My book was rendered single-column
collection id 0685601061beaf7449bd25c9427ea4
PDF-Schreib-Version 0.9.3 mwlib-Version 0.12.13's_Guide
collection id 6ebd4b549b6cf8067309b293f9c10f
PDF writer version 0.10.1 mwlib version 0.15.8
perhaps, this helps
It's up the collection staff to decide whether my _concrete_ example falls into the scope of the general T73808. Please let the Collection people decide, whether my case is related or not.
Tables _were_ rendered formerly, see's_Guide_-_photos_of_a_printed_book.png/500px-MediaWiki_Developer's_Guide_-_photos_of_a_printed_book.png but are not currently.
Please fix this soon.
I found, that when I use the "preview" of the PediaPress rendering process, the table are correctly shown. However, as reported, the PDF rendering of Wikipedia stills fails to render tables.
- the PDF from Wikipedia (fails to render tables)
- the Preview (when using the "order a printed book" by PediaPress) (tables are rendered correctly)
pls. fix.
@Aklapper I don't understand your comment.
Fact is:
PediaPress rendering process << renders tables correctly.
Mediawiki/Wikipedia rendering does not.
Closing as obsolete - that table renders fine with the current PDF rendering system (