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Handle promoting feature from beta to stable
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Due to caching, it's likely that there'll be discrepancies between the two different representations of the feature manager state, the classes added to the body element and the mw.config, when a feature is enabled or disabled on the backend. The client-side feature manager should detect this discrepancy.


  • Detect discrepancy between forwarded state and classes added to the body element
    • Provide mechanism(s) to handle discrepancy – see T141087 for discussion

Event Timeline

phuedx changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Jul 22 2016, 4:50 PM

This is blocked by T141121.

@phuedx forwarded state if it is in mw.config as I've suggested in T141121 would be tied to the HTML, so hydrating the feature manager would be the same in cached HTML or fresh ones, given that config variable is cached in the html page.

Then the only discrepancies would be RL modules to be loaded if not there, but I'm not sure this feature management should be concerned with that (I'm probably wrong though). See comments on T141087#2491693

I'd love to see a proposal of api (in the epic as a comment) if this is going to be involved with loading missing RL modules to see how it would work.

Jdlrobson subscribed.

@phuedx I'm not 100% clear with what this task is about. Can you either rewrite it or ensure it's captured in T141087 ?

phuedx lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Apr 18 2017, 9:45 AM
phuedx updated the task description. (Show Details)

@phuedx would you be upset if I merged the description of this into T141087 ?