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Wikidata based ArticlePlaceholder pages won't open in the app
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Wikidata recently rolled out ArticlePlaceholder tests on Welsh and Kannada wikipedias. Attempting to open these pages in the app, either via a search or deep-link, results in an error page.

Event Timeline

Apps teams: The Wikidata team will not be able to work on this. I see this squarely in your corner ;-) (because it was moved to tracking)

LGoto subscribed.

Closed as part of board grooming process.

This is still an issue though, no? And WMF intends to work more on the ArticlePlaceholder in the coming year leading to more usage afaik. I don't think this should be closed.

@Lydia_Pintscher Thanks for the update, and sorry for the confusion! Reopening.