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Scroll locks with first run experience of new language button
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce -

  1. go to an article
  2. go to bottom of the article
  3. tap on the "read in another language" button
  4. page scrolls to top with a tooltip that says "change language"
  5. while the tooltip is on screen, the entire viewport is not scrollable
  6. after the tooltip is gone, things are normal

iphone 6 / iOS 9.2 / Google chrome browser

Event Timeline

Nirzar updated the task description. (Show Details)
Nirzar renamed this task from [Regression] scroll locks with first run experience of new language button to Scroll locks with first run experience of new language button.Aug 19 2016, 4:33 PM
Nirzar removed a project: Regression.

Not a regression, my bad. it's a new bug in a new feature

I think this is likely to be related to how we lock viewport when overlays are open but obviously we shouldn't need to do that in this situation

bmansurov claimed this task.

Not happening on enwiki: Please re-open if the problem persists.

@bmansurov it's still happening for me.

did you check on touchscreen device? it's not happening on desktops.

in anycase, if we are going to remove that bottom button soon. maybe we can rally through this bug.

I see, I only checked on a desktop browser.