What's new in 1.651.3 (2016/06/08)
- Cannot enable disabled dependencies. (issue 32340)
- Listed Parameters should reflect what was used when the build ran. (issue 34858)
- Installation Wizard: SEVERE errors in logs, enabling of the enabled plugin. (issue 34710)
- Check Updates PeriodicWork dies horribly in the case of invalid signature. (issue 34745)
- RSS ID duplication for items with same name in different folders. (issue 34767)
- Remoting, scalability: Ensure that the unexporter cleans up whatever it can each GC sweep. (issue 34213)
- Remoting: Force class load on UserRequest to prevent deadlocks on Windows nodes agents in the case of multiple classloaders. (Controlled by hudson.remoting.RemoteClassLoader.force) (issue 19445)
- Remoting: Allow Jenkins admins to adjust the socket timeout. (Controlled by hudson.remoting.Engine.socketTimeout) (issue 34808)
- Remoting: Allow disabling the remoting protocols individually. Allows working around compatibility issues like JENKINS-34121. (Controlled by PROTOCOL_CLASS_NAME.disabled) (issue 34819)
Upgrade process: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Jenkins