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IRC SUL Unification Bot Down
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hello, the bot that usually provides information on new SUL unifications in the Freenode #cvn-unifications channel appears to have died. Can someone restart it?

Event Timeline

Mentioned in SAL [2016-09-07T02:32:36Z] <Krenair> ran SULWatcher/ as tools.stewardbots on bastion-03 to fix T144887

Krenair claimed this task.
Krenair subscribed.

ran SULWatcher/ as tools.stewardbots on tools-bastion-03

MarcoAurelio subscribed.

Hmm, strange. I set few days ago a bigbrother daemon so this don't happen again (cf. T144461: Automatically start the irc bots). What was wrong? Btw, thanks for restarting the bots. Although I'm not sure this was an UBN task since there's #central@irc.wikimedia which could do the same function.

MarcoAurelio moved this task from StewardBot to Restricted Project Column on the stewardbots board.Jan 28 2017, 1:07 PM
MarcoAurelio edited projects, added Unknown Object (Project); removed stewardbots.
MarcoAurelio moved this task from Restricted Project Column to General on the stewardbots board.Jan 28 2017, 1:09 PM
MarcoAurelio edited projects, added stewardbots; removed Unknown Object (Project).