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Adminstats is showing non-admin users too
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Adminstats needs an adjustment:
After a core-change, you create a delete-log entry, if you overwrite a redirect with only 1 revision, before that change not, even as normal user. for example this user is shown now at adminstats:, he never was a sysop

gelöscht, um Platz für die Verschiebung von „Dimini-Kultur“ zu machen => deleted page for move

At enwp, these pages get deleted with "G6: Deleted to make way for move"

Event Timeline

FriedhelmW renamed this task from Administats is showing normal users too to Adminstats is showing non-admin users too.Sep 14 2016, 8:07 PM
FriedhelmW subscribed.

But it's right: the user deleted the redirect page anyway, if sysop or not, it has to be logged in the deletion log.

Where is the bug? I suppose, it works fine.

Where is the bug? I suppose, it works fine.

My understanding of the specific request was not to remove it, just have the page display differently

Sounds like a different message text is desired, kinda automatic deletion for moved page ... to distinguish sysop rights from terrestric users.

Oh, I confused the Logbook with "AdminStats", sorry!

No, it's right, in AdminStats (Xtools) only sysops should be stated.

Where is the bug? I suppose, it works fine.

The bug is that since August 25 adminstats shows deletions by non-admin users. It should only show admin statistics.

Can someone provide a link that I can use to reproduce the issue? I'm going to work on fixing it this weekend.

Matthewrbowker added a subscriber: MusikAnimal.

I have fixed the page. While it does not filter non-admins, it does now show which users are admins and which aren't.

@MusikAnimal Just so you know, the proper fix is a string replace from http:// to https:// on WebTool::gethttp . I guess the API doesn't serve http only requests anymore.