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CookieWarning and Cookie Policy doing nearly the same and could be merged
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The CookieWarning (code) extension and the Cookie Policy (code) extension both aims to add a notice to the page, that cookies are used, to conform to the stupid EU cookie law.

There are some differents between both extensions, but probably we can merge both extensions to one. What do you think @ashley?

Steps to resolve this task (when all subtasks are resolved):

  • Merging Extension pages on (CookieWarning edit & CookiePolicy edit)
  • Provide a migration guide (changed configuration options or on-wiki messages)
  • Explaining what happened on the resulting extension page and probably on mediawiki-l (Link in archive)
  • Moving the author information of Cookie Policy to CookieWarning (as the functionality moves from one to the other extension) (
  • Deprecating the Cookie Policy gerrit project
  • Give Cookie Policy maintainers (gerrit project maintainers) maintainer rights on CookieWarning (+2)

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@Florian WORKSFORME. :) The features from CookiePolicy which I think are useful to have are:

  • optional geolocation support if and when configured so (because targeting non-EU users is annoying...oh who am I kidding, targeting EU users is also equally annoying. But you get what I mean.)
  • having the "more info" link ($wgCookieWarningMoreUrl) configurable on-wiki, at least if the global isn't set (CookiePolicy uses MediaWiki:Cookie-policy-link for this)

Thanks for filing this ticket, btw. It's silly to have multiple extensions doing the same thing, and consolidating 'em into one is the best for devs and users alike.

Ok, I'll create subtasks for both functions to be merged into CookieWarning (if it's ok for you) and leave this one for merging the organizational stuff, like (this are just ideas from my side, please extend, if needed :P):
(see description for my points, is easier to handle it there :))

Florian updated the task description. (Show Details)

For both points:

  • Merging Extension pages on
  • Provide a migration guide (changed configuration options or on-wiki messages)

I created a draft at:

Feedback (and edits) is/are welcome! :)

Florian claimed this task.
Florian updated the task description. (Show Details)

Ok, finished! :D

One little nitpick: The "extension.json" file still holds 0.1.0 as this extension's version.

Change 318702 had a related patch set uploaded (by Florianschmidtwelzow):
Bump version number to 0.2.0

Change 318702 merged by jenkins-bot:
Bump version number to 0.2.0