The CookieWarning (code) extension and the Cookie Policy (code) extension both aims to add a notice to the page, that cookies are used, to conform to the stupid EU cookie law.
There are some differents between both extensions, but probably we can merge both extensions to one. What do you think @ashley?
Steps to resolve this task (when all subtasks are resolved):
- Merging Extension pages on (CookieWarning edit & CookiePolicy edit)
- Provide a migration guide (changed configuration options or on-wiki messages)
- Explaining what happened on the resulting extension page and probably on mediawiki-l (Link in archive)
- Moving the author information of Cookie Policy to CookieWarning (as the functionality moves from one to the other extension) (
- Deprecating the Cookie Policy gerrit project
- Give Cookie Policy maintainers (gerrit project maintainers) maintainer rights on CookieWarning (+2)