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New features for Campaign model in Dashboard
Closed, ResolvedPublic8 Estimated Story Points


To put the pieces in place:

  • Rename all instances of "Cohort" to "Campaign", on the frontend and backend, for both WikiEd and Programs Dashboard
  • Add description, start and end columns to campaigns table
  • RESTful routing for campaigns, /campaigns/:name (redirects to overview), /campaigns/:name/overview, /campaigns/:name/programs, and /campaigns/:name/edit
  • Create basic layout for new route, with nav "Overview", "Programs", with the "stats" at the top taken from the current Explore page (wireframe)
  • Make each new route show just the layout

This round of changes won't include actual functionality, editing forms, etc, just the structure of the backend (schema) and frontend (layout). Current views and functionality will not be altered.

Event Timeline

DannyH set the point value for this task to 8.Oct 21 2016, 5:12 PM