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[Bug] Exact match when searching for property selects a property but leaves search results open
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When I type the exact name of a property, I get weird behaviour where it seems to automatically select a property without updating the UI.

To reproduce:

Expected behaviour: The dropdown is shown, the property search field remains focused and I can select the property I want (e.g. maybe I actually wanted "country of citizenship"). Alternatively, if automatically selecting an exact match is really desired, it should select the exact match, close the dropdown and focus the value input field. I would personally prefer the former, since it seems to select the wrong property a lot for me.

Actual behaviour: The dropdown is shown but the focus is moved to the value input field, so I can no longer change the property or close the dropdown unless I first tab backwards or use a mouse. When the value is an item, the dropdown for the property search gets the way of the item search results, see the following screenshot.

dropdownexample.png (390×994 px, 50 KB)

Event Timeline

The drop-down menus stay open if you don't make a selection from them, no matter the reason. It is very annoying, and means you often can't see what you are typing.

Greta_Doci_WMDE renamed this task from Exact match when searching for property selects a property but leaves search results open to [Bug] Exact match when searching for property selects a property but leaves search results open.Jun 27 2018, 1:56 PM