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70 AssertionError for Python 2.6 on Travis
Closed, ResolvedPublic


There is around 70 instances of

AssertionError: u'Use -help for further information.' not found in [u'/home/travis/virtualenv/python2.6.9/lib/python2.6/site-packages/coverage/ DeprecationWarning: You passed a bytestring as `filenames`. This will not work on Python 3. Use `cp.read_file()` or switch to using Unicode strings across the board.', u'  return, filename, **kwargs)']

on Travis for Python 2.6.


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Event Timeline

Magul renamed this task from 70 to 70 AssertionError for Python 2.6 on Travis.Dec 7 2016, 10:58 PM
Magul created this task.
Lokal_Profil subscribed.

So it looks like this is blocked upstream until there is a 4.3 release of coverage which includes that patch.

I'm not 100% certain, that this is an issue here. I will at least try to confirm it changing coverage version from current to the tip of bitbucket/github repository.

BTW what aproach should we take here, as I'm really trying to make all jobs to be green on Travis? Should we skip that test?

And why this happens only on one job, why not in all 2.6/2.7?

I'm not 100% certain, that this is an issue here. I will at least try to confirm it changing coverage version from current to the tip of bitbucket/github repository.

Definitly the first thing to do =)

BTW what aproach should we take here, as I'm really trying to make all jobs to be green on Travis? Should we skip that test?

From a quick look at the logs I would say this is primarily caused by the "ensure all scripts mention you can use -help" test in script_tests.

Since that has a lot of other asserts all roled into one so @unittest.skipIf( sys.version_info < (3, 0) ) would probably ignore to much.

Could we simply add an if sys.version_info >= (3, 0) before that particular assert (with a comment pointing to this Task (or one specifically about updating)?

And why this happens only on one job, why not in all 2.6/2.7?

I can't figure out what setting makes that one different :/

Dalba subscribed.

The tests are passing right now. I'm going to mark this task as resolved, it's probably been a coverage issue.