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Selector logic link in Special:CentralNoticeBanners links to a 404 page
Open, Needs TriagePublic

Description is 404. It should be updated or removed accordingly.

This file was deleted in, no idea what to replace.

replication steps

  • get a mediawiki instance with centralnotice installed
  • visit Special:CentralNoticeBanners.
  • click the link to a random banner (example)
  • Found the "Selector logic" link in Settings > Display on

what needs to change

Please update the URL in

Event Timeline

6 years for such a small thing, wow.

As someone who doesn't know CentralNotice could someone explain what this is about? This seems like a good candidate for good first task only but the problem doesn't seem to be well defined.

The url 404s because it's a bad URL and should be

Presumably something links to it? Is there a screenshot or code that can give a clue to a volunteer about how to fix it?

@Jdlrobson, there are some additional details in the linked duplicate bug, and there is link to the position in code where the change needs to be done in the comment above.