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Regularly report and unassign tasks assigned to disabled accounts
Closed, ResolvedPublic


T119240 is assigned to a disabled account; this makes it appear as if someone is working on it while it is probably up for grabs.

I assume there are internal WMF procedures to un-/reassign tasks as part of offboarding & Co., but as an additional tier there should be a regular (monthly?) report of tasks that fell through the cracks and someone occasionally processing them (mostly unassigning).

This report doesn't have to be public or automatic, but it would be useful if used query terms or scripts were documented.

Event Timeline

So really we should be finding a way to un-disable these accounts: cf T123139 / T100400

Generally speaking though, you're right.

I assume there are internal WMF procedures to un-/reassign tasks as part of offboarding & Co.

It's not a standard part of offboarding (according to the internal pdf I just looked at), thus it's up to the responsible people manager or product manager.

In the long run maybe could share some options like the "Disabled" dropdown that the Advanced people search offers (if we got "report" to work reliably at some point). But that would be a request to upstream.

In the short run, we could add the output of

SELECT u.userName, count(u.userName) AS n FROM phabricator_maniphest.maniphest_task t JOIN phabricator_user.user u WHERE u.isDisabled = 1 AND t.ownerPHID = u.phid AND (t.status = "open" OR t.status = "stalled") GROUP BY u.userName ORDER BY n DESC;

to add to the weekly email and act upon (as I do read that stuff).

Aklapper triaged this task as Low priority.

Change 351011 had a related patch set uploaded (by Aklapper; owner: Aklapper):
[operations/puppet@production] List disabled user accounts with associated open tasks in weekly Phab email

Change 351011 merged by Dzahn:
[operations/puppet@production] List disabled user accounts with associated open tasks in weekly Phab email

Aklapper closed this task as Resolved.EditedMay 2 2017, 7:49 AM
Aklapper moved this task from Backlog to May on the Developer-Advocacy (Apr-Jun 2017) board.

Thanks Mukunda for reviewing and Daniel for merging! Closing as resolved.

Note to my clueless former self: When the weekly script lists tasks but the web UI does not list any tasks, tasks in Spaces which I cannot access are the reason.