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[Hackathon 2017 doc sprint] How to translate documentation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


How to use the translate extension for user documentation:

  • how to translate pages
  • how to edit a page which already have translation markup
  • how to create a page and mark it for translation

This workshop is for user documentation, not technical documentation.

Sunday 10:00 in Wiaschtl for everyone. Two other slots are included in the Wikidata doc sprint.

Event Timeline

johl renamed this task from [Hachathon 2017 doc sprint] How to translate documentation to [Hackathon 2017 doc sprint] How to translate documentation.May 3 2017, 12:34 PM

Hello! Just letting you know that you can schedule this session now for the hackathon. Instructions and scheduling can be done here:

Trizek-WMF raised the priority of this task from Lowest to High.May 16 2017, 4:40 PM

Hello! Just letting you know that you can schedule this session now for the hackathon. Instructions and scheduling can be done here:

I'll see that with @Lea_Lacroix_WMDE.

Two slots are included in the WIkidata documentation sprint: Friday 15:00-15:30 and Sunday 11:00-11:30, in Gurkerl.
I'm also adding an extra slot, outside of this sprint, for users who have to create some public documentation: Sunday 10:00 in Wiaschtl

The session in the Wikidata one happen once, the second iteration was more a translations clinic.

The session in the schedule gathered 5 attendees, plus Niklas and ‎Siebrand.