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Longitude more +-180 deg make crazy Google map
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Reproduction steps:

  1. Create page with <maplink zoom="3" longitude="0" latitude="0" /> content and open fullscreen map.
  2. Pan the map for more than 180 deg. (e.g. about 360 deg.).
  3. Open GMap. Position is not that expected (e.g. Turkey).

Imho this happen because "Check that the first number in your longitude coordinate is between -180 and 180." (

Event Timeline

"Open GMap ?" what is this, where do we provide that ?

debt subscribed.

I think this was related to T171399 and can be declined.

Ah, open Google maps from the sidepanel is what he likely meant... Then possibly another cause for the fix could be T171399: Map detail pane displays incorrect coordinates (greater than 180°).