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AstroPay audit parser failing to chmod
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


Is this something we should worry about?


2017-04-04 18:28:05,495 ERROR   chmod(): Operation not permitted BaseAuditProcessor.php:933 [0.88 sec, 52.2 MB]                                                  ESC[1;33;40mESC[1m[warning]ESC[0m

Event Timeline

ggellerman lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.
ggellerman set the point value for this task to 1.
ggellerman moved this task from Triage to Q3 2021-2022 on the Fundraising-Backlog board.
Ejegg claimed this task.
Ejegg subscribed.

They all fail to chmod. They didn't need to chmod. They no longer try to chmod.