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Update featured article cards to utilize full bleed images
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Why are we doing this?

New and updated cards in the feed utilize full bleed featured images and remove the horizontal rule underneath the card header. We would like to extend this visual update to all of the cards in the feed.


Featured article with imageFeatured article without image
Feature article.png (484×375 px, 199 KB)
Feature article no image.png (289×375 px, 27 KB)

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Ah sorry for the jargon @Mhurd, this means that the image has no padding to
the left or right on the card, the image width should equal the card width.

@cmadeo Oh thanks! I suspected as much from the screenshot, but I wasn't sure if that term also implied any change to how we're scaling images... (there's a cascade of effects to doing so)