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See wikistats_tests:

ERROR: test_sort (tests.wikistats_tests.WikiStatsTestCase)
Test sorted results.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/travis/build/magul/pywikibot-core/tests/", line 28, in test_sort
    top = data[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

FAIL: test_last_edit (tests.pagegenerators_tests.EdittimeFilterPageGeneratorTestCase)
Test last edit.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/travis/build/magul/pywikibot-core/tests/", line 320, in test_last_edit
    self.assertEqual(len(list(gen)), 1)
AssertionError: 0 != 1

FAIL: test_CategoryFilterPageGenerator (tests.pagegenerators_tests.TestCategoryFilterPageGenerator)
Test CategoryFilterPageGenerator.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/travis/build/magul/pywikibot-core/tests/", line 241, in test_CategoryFilterPageGenerator
    self.assertEqual(len(tuple(gen)), 9)
AssertionError: 10 != 9

FAIL: test_csv (tests.wikistats_tests.WikiStatsTestCase)
Test CSV.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/travis/build/magul/pywikibot-core/tests/", line 70, in test_csv
    self.assertIn('en', data)
AssertionError: u'en' not found in {}

FAIL: test_xml (tests.wikistats_tests.WikiStatsTestCase)
Test XML.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/travis/build/magul/pywikibot-core/tests/", line 86, in test_xml
    self.assertIn('en', data)
AssertionError: u'en' not found in {}

Ran 1472 tests in 420.770s


C:\pwb\GIT\core>py -2 tests/wikistats_tests
WARNING: C:\pwb\GIT\core\pywikibot\tools\ ImportWarning: Importing ipad
dr.IPAddress failed: No module named ipaddr
Importing ipaddress.ip_address failed: No module named ipaddress
Please install ipaddr 2.1.10+ or ipaddress.
tests: max_retries reduced from 25 to 1
WARNING: WikiStats: unicodecsv package required for using csv in Python 2; falli
ng back to using the larger XML datasets.
sWARNING: Http response status 500
EWARNING: Http response status 500
EWARNING: Http response status 500
ERROR: test_sort (__main__.WikiStatsTestCase)
Test sorted results.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\tests\", line 27, in test_sort
    data = ws.sorted('wikipedia', 'total')
  File "C:\pwb\GIT\core\pywikibot\data\", line 232, in sorted
    return sorted(self.get(table),
  File "C:\pwb\GIT\core\pywikibot\data\", line 209, in get
    data = self.xml(table)
  File "C:\pwb\GIT\core\pywikibot\data\", line 180, in xml
    tree = cElementTree.parse(f)
  File "<string>", line 62, in parse
  File "<string>", line 38, in parse
ParseError: no element found: line 1, column 0

ERROR: test_sorting_order (__main__.WikiStatsTestCase)
Test sorting order of languages_by_size.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\tests\", line 51, in test_sorting_order
    data = ws.get_dict(FAMILY)
  File "C:\pwb\GIT\core\pywikibot\data\", line 223, in get_dict
    for data in self.get(table, format))
  File "C:\pwb\GIT\core\pywikibot\data\", line 209, in get
    data = self.xml(table)
  File "C:\pwb\GIT\core\pywikibot\data\", line 180, in xml
    tree = cElementTree.parse(f)
  File "<string>", line 62, in parse
  File "<string>", line 38, in parse
ParseError: no element found: line 1, column 0

ERROR: test_xml (__main__.WikiStatsTestCase)
Test XML.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\tests\", line 84, in test_xml
    data = ws.get_dict('wikisource', 'xml')
  File "C:\pwb\GIT\core\pywikibot\data\", line 223, in get_dict
    for data in self.get(table, format))
  File "C:\pwb\GIT\core\pywikibot\data\", line 209, in get
    data = self.xml(table)
  File "C:\pwb\GIT\core\pywikibot\data\", line 180, in xml
    tree = cElementTree.parse(f)
  File "<string>", line 62, in parse
  File "<string>", line 38, in parse
ParseError: no element found: line 1, column 0

Ran 4 tests in 2.156s

FAILED (errors=3, skipped=1)

Event Timeline

Might be upstream. xml files aren't available.

project-wikistats:*:50338:jem,robih,southparkfan,marc,novaadmin,mschon,paladox,mah,dzahn,andrew . Seems to be a volunteer project?

Change 354697 had a related patch set uploaded (by Multichill; owner: Multichill):
[pywikibot/core@master] Make the tests pass again: * made the number of validated pages increase * made the edit test

I removed the Patch-For-Review tag because the previous patch skips the test but this issue isn't solved.

Change 359653 had a related patch set uploaded (by Xqt; owner: Xqt):
[pywikibot/core@master] [bugfix] Re-enable xml for WikiStats with py2

Change 359653 merged by jenkins-bot:
[pywikibot/core@master] [bugfix] Re-enable xml for WikiStats with py2