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Handle time data values
Open, Needs TriagePublic


As suggested by @Smalyshev , RDF simple values may not be enough, as the simple data type xsd:dateTime has 2 limitations:

  1. it does not handle precision, and year precision is used a lot in Wikidata;
  2. the calendar is assumed to be always gregorian.


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I am new to primary-sources tool, but for me it does not even handle simple dates like years. The tool proposes duplicate statements and if you approve it it adds it and proposes another copy. Rejecting claims does not do anything.

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I am new to primary-sources tool, but for me it does not even handle simple dates like years. The tool proposes duplicate statements and if you approve it it adds it and proposes another copy. Rejecting claims does not do anything.

May I ask you if you are using the gadget version from preferences or the Github one pasted in your common.js?

@Afnecors could this be related to @Tpt 's comment on your PR?

I am using gadget version from preferences.

Out of scope for now.
Unfortunately, there was not enough time for the StrepHit renewal to handle this.
Left open for future work.