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Search-index article placeholders on nnwiki for testing and evaluation purposes
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Similar to what we did on cywiki (T162244: [Story] Search index 10,000 article placeholders on cywiki for testing and evaluation purposes), we want to enable indexing for ArticlePlaceholders on nnwiki.

We need to decide how many placeholders we initially want to index (or do we just want to index all of them?).

Assigning to Lydia, as she will check if there are any objections from the community.

Event Timeline

Nemo_bis renamed this task from Search index article placeholders on nnwiki for testing and evaluation purposes to Search-index article placeholders on nnwiki for testing and evaluation purposes.Nov 13 2017, 7:55 PM

The special page is now linked from about 3k pages on nnwiki. Linking is created by the module Wikidata2, and is used in various infoboxes.